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Submission by SpectraTurf by Keziah Olsen
The Playgrounds Issue of Landscape Architect & Specifier News saw many firms submit their projects for feature consideration. This project was not chosen for a Feature in the issue, but we at thought the project deserved to be showcased online . . .San Diego State University (SDSU) Mission Valley is a vibrant, medium-density, mixed-use, transit-oriented development located in Southern Ca. that will transform the University and City of San Diego. As such, this area is viewed as a community asset that expands SDSU's educational, research, entrepreneurial, and technology programs while supporting community engagement. The entire area includes Snapdragon Stadium, an Innovation District, housing, a hotel, retail, and more than 80 acres of community parks and open space, including a 34-acre River Park.The 34-acre River Park at SDSU Mission Valley includes a multi-use recreational grass field, more than 4-miles of walking and biking trails, courts, fitness area, and children's play area. The playground was designed for children ages 3-years-old and up and features 10,000 square feet of SpectraTurf's safety playground surface called SpectraPour.
February Lighting Commentary
February 2025
Temecula, CA
Long Beach, CA
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