Research To Reduce Animal-Vehicle Collisions Receives Award07-23-24 | Legislation

Research To Reduce Animal-Vehicle Collisions Receives Award

Interstate DOT Study
by Staff

Nevada DOT received an FHWA award for a study looking at ways to practically mitigate collisions involving animals and vehicles, many of which can prove deadly for animals, humans, or both.

A research study led by the Nevada Department of Transportation (DOT) recently received a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Environmental Excellence Award. The study was completed in 2022 and centered on determining cost-effective solutions to reducing Animal-Vehicle Collisions (AVC) and increasing wildlife habitat connectivity.

According to the best practices manual and the various reports published at the culmination of the study, the most effective measure involves avoidance, where highways are built outside of known habitats. For highways that have already been built, effective measures include a combination of crossing structures with barriers in the form of tall, non-jumpable fences. Jump-outs and escape ramps must also be included for any animals that find themselves on the highway side of the barrier. However, these fences must not prevent wildlife from accessing important resources, so they must have appropriately interspersed crossing structures like wildlife overpasses, open span bridges, and animal underpasses or pipes. The manual also recommended driver warning systems for roadside animal detection.


The manual also states that measures were deemed effective if they resulted in a minimum 50% reduction in collusions or direct road mortality for large mammals and small animal species.

The best practices manual includes specifics on fence types and dimensions, the recommended spacing of wildlife crossing structures, and examples of successful habitat connectivity from around the world. This study was conducted in collaboration with the FHWA and the Alaska, Arizona, California, Iowa, Oregon, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Washington DOTs as well as the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Parks Canada, and ARC Solutions, Inc.

All research reports and best practices manual can be found under the title 'Transportation Pooled Fund TPF-5(358)' at the following links:
Research Database:
Best Practices Manual:
Award Announcement:
