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Gerald Burgner, Ph.D., Texas A&M University by Rebecca Radtke, LASN hosted Gerald Burgner, Ph.D. with Texas A&M University on January 23rd for a live and recorded session that explains regenerative landscape maintenance from a practical standpoint.Titled "Regenerative Landscape Maintenance: Taking Sustainability to a Different Level" Burgner gave applicable examples of the differences of sustainable versus regenerative landscapes. He thoroughly explained the eight principles that make up a successful regenerative landscape. These principles featured real instances that can be implemented into designs and plans from start to finish that are both regenerative and horticultural centric.Burgner was a thoughtful presenter that gave informed design ideas based on regenerative practices.
Lindsey Purcell, ISA Board Certified Master Arborist
CLARB Developed Licensure Standard
Minimizing Downtime from Equipment Failures
Introducing the 2024-2025 Leadership Taking the Reins After L.A. Fires
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