Join These Leading Educators at TLE08-24-22 | 10

If Landscape is Your Business . . . Join These Leading Educators at TLE

Check Out TLE's World Class Seminar Lineup
by Staff

The Landscape Expo Educational Conference and Trade Show will be hosting 50 seminars with
PGMS, QWEL, ISA, IA, NALP, APLD, LACES, and DPR CEU credits at the Anaheim Convention Center on November 16th and 17th. The seminars will cover Lawn Care, Plant Selection, Soils, Irrigation and Stormwater, Pest Control, Lighting and Fire Feature Design, Troubleshooting, Business Development and more!

Known as the premiere educational conference for landscape professionals in the Western United States, the Landscape Expo is featuring 50 seminars and workshops presented by 40 of the industry's leading experts in their fields.

Click Here For Complete Seminar Line Up.

Register Today and Save 20% on All Seminars
Seminar seating is limited, so sign up today to save more than 20% off 'at-the-door" pricing. All seminars include unlimited, same-day exhibit hall access as well.

You and Your Team Leaders Should Also Attend!
The Landscape Expo provides great resources for business owners and superintendents to grow their knowledge. Bring your team leaders and critical staff to the Expo and enjoy the group discount with 11 or more seminars. Remember all seminars include same-day exhibit hall admission, so take this opportunity to educate your critical staff and let them enjoy the Exhibit Hall too!

The Landscape Expo is Excited to Welcome These New TLE Educators

Dan Mabe

Dan Mabe is the founder of the American Green Zone Alliance (AGZA), comes from the gas-powered landscape maintenance industry. Seeking a more sustainable way to operate lawn and garden equipment, Dan has devoted nearly sixteen years developing and applying battery technology for the grounds maintenance industry.

Electric Equipment - Green Zone Certification - Sign up for Mabe's seminar on November 17 at 12:00 pm and earn PGMS and NALP CEUs.

Erik Diaz
Diaz has been a Landscape Supervisor at USC for over 7 years, and has worked in the landscape industry my entire life. He has a Master's Degree from USC (2016) in Landscape Architecture and is an ISA Certified Arborist, ISA Qualified Tree Risk Assessor, C-27, and D-49 Contractor. He also runs a small landscape maintenance business that is 100% battery powered equipment.

Converting From Gas to Electric Equipment - Sign up for Diaz's seminar on November 16 at 10:00 am and earn PGMS and NALP CEUs.

Frank Gandora

As a business owner dedicated solely to segmental hardscape construction, Frank brings over 30 years of experience to this venue.
From installing pavers for one of North America's pioneer contractors, to working in Architectural Sales for some of North America's top paver manufacturers, specifying over a million square feet of pavers, finally starting his own company almost 25 years ago. He is currently on the board involving the ICPI/NCMA merger. He often volunteers his time with ICPI in committees and HNA events. He is the past Chair for both the ICPI Construction Committee and Government Relations Committees.

Expand Your Hardscape Business - Sign up for Gandora's seminar on November 17 at 10:00 am and earn APLD and NALP CEUs.

Geoff Gretchenson
Geoff Gretchenson is a licensed specialist in pesticide laws and regulations. He is, and has been for many years, engaged in detection of serious exotic agricultural pests. This detection procedure utilizes his professional identification of specimens that resemble those serious exotic agricultural pests. He is an expert in pesticide law which governs wholesome and legal use of pesticides.

Pest Control: The Safe, Honest, and Legal Use of Pesticides - Sign up for Gretchenson's seminar on November 17 at 8:00 am and earn APLD and NALP.

Janice Gould
Janice Gould has spent the past fifteen years dedicating her time and passion to irrigation. She has become a strong advocate for water conservation and improving water management and sustainability to preserve the environment and create a livable planet. Her mission has been to increase food production and save water for our children today and for our children's children and grandchildren. Her main focus has been in developing and distributing a disruptive irrigation technology through her company, Responsive Drip Irrigation, LLC.

How Landscapes can Save our Cities - Sign up for Gould's seminar on November 16 at 2:00 pm and earn ISA, APLP, and NALP CEUs.

Marcus Coulombe
Marcus Coulombe earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Plant Science from Cal Poly Pomona. After graduating he has been involved in the agriculture and landscape industry for 15 years marketing, promoting, and selling a wide range of products. Marcus has worked closely with professional sport facilities, engineers, golf courses, farmers, and government agencies throughout the state. He is currently working as the sales and marketing coordinator for the Inland Empire Regional Composting Authority and is responsible for over 200,000 cubic yards a year in compost sales. Inland Empire Regional Composting Authority (IERCA) was constructed in 2007 as a partnership between LA county sanitation district and the Inland Empire Utilities Agency. IERCA is currently the largest indoor biosolids compost manufacturer in the United States.

Composting Benefits and Uses - Sign up for Coulombe's seminar on November 17 at 1:30 pm and earn LACES, PGMS, and NALP CEUs.

Pawel Orlinski
Pawel Orlinski has been working at the University of California, Riverside since 2017. His primary responsibilities include conducting research on weed control and on use of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) in turfgrasses. He received a B.S. in Horticulture in 2013, and a M.S. in Horticulture in 2014, both from Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

Weed Management - Sign up for Orlinski's seminar on November 16 at 8:00 am and earn LACES, APLD, PGMS, and NALP CEUs.

Greg Wallace
Greg Wallace is the president of Instant Jungle International, who has been in business since 1980, specialize in interior plant installation and maintenance. Wallace will be presenting a webinar titled "The Art of Living Walls" on November 16 at The Landscape Expo.

The Art of Living Walls - Sign up for Wallace's seminar on November 16 at 2:00 pm and earn LACES, ISA, APLD, PGMS, and NALP CEUs.
