Guide for Post-2026 Colorado River Operations Released01-29-25 | Legislation

Guide for Post-2026 Colorado River Operations Released

Looks to Prevent Catastrophic Drought Impacts
by Rebecca Radtke, LASN

Post-2026 Colorado River operational guide released.

The Bureau of Reclamation released a next step guide for post-2026 Colorado River operation on Friday, January 17.


The guide - which gives ideas to better manage water for 40 million people across seven states and 30 Tribes in the area - identifies alternatives from elements submitted by Basin states, Tribes, agencies, and other non-government organizations. Further, the guide includes analysis and models done by the Bureau of Reclamation and shows ongoing conversations with the Basin. The post-2026 guide is a way for ensure that a draft Environmental Impact Statement is published in summer of this year to allow for time to publish the final document.

"After working tirelessly over the past several years to bring Colorado River Basin partners together for a transparent and inclusive post-2026 process, the Biden-Harris administration has laid a firm foundation to allow for success in the Basin," said Reclamation Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton, "The alternatives laid out in today's report represent a responsible range from which to build the best and most robust path forward. I have confidence in our partners and the Reclamation team in continuing this work to meet the needs of the river for the future."
