2024 Class of Fellows, Grace E. Fielder, FASLA, Maryland Chapter10-25-24 | News

2024 Class of Fellows, Grace E. Fielder, FASLA, Maryland Chapter

G. E. Fielder & Associates, Laurel, MD

Maryland Chapter - Category: Service

For over 50 years, Grace Fielder has worked to advance the practice, visibility, and power of landscape architecture through government advocacy, educational advancement, and community engagement. Raised on a dairy farm in rural Maryland, she developed a deep understanding of stewardship of the land and of caring for her community. Fielder wrote "commitment to service" into her job description from the very start of her career, and her meritorious career and outstanding service to the profession are testament to that resolve. Her roles in government advocacy include serving as the vice chair of the Prince George's County Development Quality Task Force, where she produced the "Landscape Manual." She developed the Montgomery County, Maryland Recreational Guidelines. At the University of Maryland, she was instrumental in establishing the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree, while she served on the College of Agriculture Dean's Advisory Board. Two Maryland governors appointed her to the Maryland State Board of Examiners for three consecutive, three-year terms. Fielder became the 15th woman to become a licensed Landscape Architect in Maryland, and she took it upon herself to recruit women across the land development industry from every age, race, creed, and color to hear their insights, shared experiences, and future needs. That effort grew into Women In Land Development (W.I.L.D.), which provided educational and networking opportunities to help women advance in their professions.
