The 2004 Standard Highway Signs Book published by the FHWA included the addition of interstate shields in the form of pavement markings. Since that time, there has been a growing use of these "horizontal surface signs" in lieu of or as a supplement to the typical shoulder-mounted or overhead traffic signs. The SHS Book illustrates three sizes including 6' x 15', 7' x 17'6", and 8' x 20', all of which are available using PreMark® Preformed Thermoplastic with ViziGrip®.

Depending on the particular location and need, other sizes can be made. Interstate Shields as large as 8' x 36' are very effective on highways with higher speed limits. PreMark® Preformed Thermoplastic Interstate Shields also include ViziGrip® due to the larger dimensions of the symbols and for the added safety benefit to motorcyclists. PreMark® is applied using the Flint2000EX or Magnum Heat Torch.

Ennis-Flint - PPG Industries

PreMark® Shields

4161 Piedmont Parkway, Suite 370
Greensboro, NC  27410
Fax: 336-745-7900