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Ethical Water Practices and Issues in Our Resources by Staff
raSmith Landscape Architect, Tom Mortensen presented a live and recorded webinar on February 8th to inform landscape professionals about current threats to freshwater and groundwater, how industrialized agribusiness poses many challenges to keeping our waters safe and how we need to adopt a water ethic and change our mindset about our water use. Mortensen gave in-depth examples about water use across the country and showed how PFAS, known as forever chemicals, have been found in many of our fresh water sources and how politics have prevented the re-regulation of our outdated and somewhat ineffective laws. He discussed how the Clean Water Act is not entirely effective because surface water and ground water are not one in the same, according to the EPA. Attendees learned about some staggering statistics associated with our water use as we use more water in a day than we use oil in a year.
Logan House, Georgia Arborist Association
Timeless. Durable. Stainless.
Logan House, ISA
Colorado River Water Management
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