West Virginia University Landscape Architecture Program Saved09-11-23 | Legislation

West Virginia University Landscape Architecture Program Saved

32 Programs were Considered
by Staff

The West Virginia University landscape architecture program has been saved after a week-long appeals process.

West Virginia University released their final set of recommendations for program and faculty reductions on September 5th after a week-long appeal hearing schedule. The Provost's Office removed the landscape architecture program from the line-up of possible discontinued programs but has specific conditions including a marketing plan to aid enrollment by fall 2026.


The West Virginia chapter of ASLA released a statement after the decision was made. Current WVASLA Chapter President and WVU class of 2013, Jacob Burns, thanked partner chapters, members, ASLA National Chapter and other organizations for over 500 letters of support for the program.

Preliminary recommendations were given on August 10th and had since led to appeal hearing process as part of the Academic Transformation program portfolio review process. At that time, 32 programs were considered for various reasons including low enrollment.

Meanwhile, the Division of Resource Economics and Management did not appeal recommendations making the recommendations permanent. However, three other majors will be discontinued and merged by January 31, 2024.
