Trade Show Season11-19-24 | Department

Trade Show Season

November Commentary
by Aaron Schmok, LASN

While the fall season may not have the flashiness of the summer sun or the magic of winter and Christmas, these later months of the year give us much to appreciate. It's one of the best times of the year for sports fans. Football, basketball, and hockey begin their seasons just as baseball gives us the World Series. Fall is also a great time to come together with family during Thanksgiving, before the holidays make everything hectic. Additionally, fall provides a time to connect as an industry during "Trade Show Season."

We are incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to meet so many old and new aquaintances during the ASLA conference and Hardscape North America/Equip Expo. At both shows, many LASN readers - both new and long-time - shared their insights on the profession, their practices, and our magazine. Having the ASLA Show overlap with NRPA's conference posed an interesting dynamic that, unfortunately, did not permit me to attend the latter. However, LASN was still represented at that Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, and I was informed that it was another successful show. We deeply appreciate every single one of you who took the time to engage - even if our perspectives differ from time to time.


Gathering in D.C. just weeks before the presidential election made for quite the headline, but nevertheless, despite the different opinions one PLA may have from another, this profession's resilience was on full display as we are all focused on advancing the practice of Landscape Architects. Which was also reflected with the NRPA as we celebrate the association's decision (with the assistance of some encouragement from LASN) to include two Landscape Architects on their board of
directors (see page 64).

There's no doubt that the results of the election will impact the industry - whether through the housing market, overall economic developments, or environmental/regulatory policies. However, while the election will have concluded by the time you're reading this, it's important not to lose sight of the significance of your practice and the intrinsic value you uniquely bring to the world.

Whether you're creating vibrant urban parks, mitigating environmental risks like flooding and erosion, or designing public spaces that bring people together, your influence touches nearly every aspect of the built environment. This lasting impact is why the profession continues to grow in importance, even as the world grapples with evolving priorities and issues.

So, as you gather around the dinner table this Thanksgiving, remember that your community, your country, and the world are grateful for you and the universal benefits you've created for, and with them -even if some are just beginning to recognize the true value of the work of a PLA. . . . God Bless!

Aaron Schmok, Editor
