Thursday, May 25th Webinar with Nick Christians, Iowa State University05-19-23 | Education

Thursday, May 25th Webinar with Nick Christians, Iowa State University

The Basics of Soil Testing
by Staff

Join Iowa State University professor of turfgrass management, Nick Christians, Thursday May 25th to learn the basics of soil testing and how it can be beneficial to landscape design, management, and so much more.

Webinar Description:
This seminar goes into the basics of soil testing for the landscape practitioner and explains how to use the information provided by a soil test.

Learning Objectives:
1. To learn the basics of soil testing.
2. To be able to interpret soil tests for the landscape.
3. To understand the soil test form.


Nick Christians
Nick Christians, Ph.D. - University professor of turfgrass management, Iowa State University, Department of Horticulture, Ames, IA, and adjunct faculty, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Dr. Christians received his B.S. from the Colorado State University school of Forestry in Ft. Collins, Colo., and both his MS and Ph.D. in Agronomy from Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio. His research centers on fertility management of turfgrasses and the development of natural herbicides for use in the turf industry. He is the author of more than 1100 published articles, extension publications, research reports and journal articles on the subject. He has received a number of awards for teaching, research, and advising and holds the rank of University Professor at Iowa State University. Dr. Christians is very active with the turf industry locally, nationally and internationally and presents information each year on his research at a variety of industry related events, including an annual field day at Iowa State and a winter turf conference held in Des. Moines, IA. He is currently co-chair for the North Central Extension and Research Activity for turfgrass association (NCERA-221) and is helping to plan the annual meeting at Iowa State University. Dr. Christians teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in turfgrass management at Iowa State.
