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Submission by Terracina Design by Staff
The School and Campus Issue of Landscape Architect and Specifier News saw many firms submit their projects for feature consideration. This project was not chosen for a Feature in the issue, but we at thought the project deserved to be showcased online . . . The STEAD School at Reunion in Commerce City, Colorado, stands as a pioneering example of educational innovation. With its unique focus on Science, Technology, Environment, Agriculture, and system Design, this institution redefines the way high school education is approached. As landscape architects, Terracina Design played a pivotal role in shaping the physical environment that would nurture the growth and development of this groundbreaking educational venture. Early in the design process, Terracina Design recognized the approach for The STEAD School needed to align with its groundbreaking educational philosophy. While the school empowers students to design and lead their own college and career pathways through Project-Based Learning, it was equally important that the site and landscape support this innovative approach. Site planning of the 10-acre site involved multiple disciplines including architects, landscape architects, engineers, planners, educators, the agricultural community, and contractors. After numerous site visits to other schools and meetings with various stakeholders, it was determined that for The STEAD School to meet its philosophy it needed to take on the shape of a traditional farm homestead. The homestead would include multiple buildings placed strategically around a central school courtyard while incorporating a 1-acre farm where students actively participate in growing and selling it at an onsite Farmers Market.
February Lighting Commentary
February 2025
Temecula, CA
Long Beach, CA
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