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Kim Chacon, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo by Rebecca Radtke, LASN hosted Kim Chacon, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo educator, for a live and OnDemand webinar on December 5th to discover the importance of pollinators, sustainable design practices and Chacon's own data on GIS analytics surrounding bees.This session, "Strategic Pollinator GIS Habitat Analysis and Landscape Design," began with the history of bees and how important pollinators are to food supply. She went on to explain how while many believe that bees are in decline which she explained that Colony Collapse Disorder can be pointed to as the culprit. Chacon gave detailed examples of various species of bees, how they nest, and their preferred flowers based on her own study in San Luis Obispo. She dove into examples of solutions to incorporate native and preferred plantings even with typology for basic city situations.
2024 Yearbook / 2025 Forecast
Third Edition Available Now
Carl Smith, University of Arkansas Professor of Landscape Architecture
Bernardo Wills Announces Leadership Promotion
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