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Glenn Rogers, PLA, Alder Landscape Architecture by Staff
Webinar Description: Environmental Factors Today, many insects find it hard to find food in what used to be their habitat as cities expand, deforestation continues and flooding occurs in as many as 25 states diminishing habitat. A farming industry, with vast acres of monocultures of a particular food crop also minimizes habitat. Also, Global Warming has a negative effect on insects since every insect is not able to adjust their body temperatures to rid the themselves of excess heat as other organisms can. Then, pesticides must be improved to kill pests specifically and allow regular insects to exist. Lastly, light pollution can seduce flying insects to circle around a light source until they become exhausted and perish because they have no energy to find food.
Logan House, Georgia Arborist Association
Baltimore, Maryland
LASN Dissected and Selected Most Important
Logan House, ISA
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