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Practicing Landscape Architects Agree on The Importance of Their Status by Staff
When the ASLA released a joint 'Reframing' study in December '23, it immediately drew the attention of Landscape Architects across the country. With the ASLA elections at stake, PLAs agree that they should be a lead member on development teams. Many were concerned that the association was on the path to further weaken the brand following a year where Landscape Architects were labeled as hedge-clippers on national TV and branded as socially woke activists by society. So, LASN sent out a survey, asking readers to choose between starting a conversation about the profession with a statement about the Social Benefits of a PLA or a purposefully assertive statement about a PLA's Alpha Leadership role. It was sent first to the ASLA Board of Trustees. Then, we sent one email to ASLA members and another to non-member Practicing Landscape Architects (PLAs). Within 48 hours, we had more than 300 surveys taken and more than 130 of the survey takers left comments. The results were a dead heat, with 'Alpha' garnering one (1) more click overall than 'Social' from PLAs. Of the few PLAs who are members of the ASLA, 52.17% chose the Social Comment, while 52.94% of the non-member PLAs chose the Alpha statement. Not surprisingly, 69.5% non-PLAs who took the survey choose the non-Alpha statement. There were many great comments, as well. The overarching theme is that PLAs have the skill to lead, 'Alpha' may have been too strong, but the need to strengthen the PLA's position is vital to the future success of the profession and, just as importantly, the whole world in need of LA services. Here are excerpts from a few dozen of the commenters. The comments are preceded by the person's choice, then by their status as a PLA (Y or N), and then by their ASLA membership status (self reported). Alpha Survey Comments
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2024 Yearbook
Creating a Multi-use, Outdoor Venue for a Growing Area
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