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Which Parts of Residential Landscapes are Best if You are Going to Stay or Sell by Staff
The National Association of Landscape Professionals and the National Relators Association (NAR) recently collaborated to produce the "2023 Remodeling Impact Report: Outdoor Features." This report identifies the most appreciated and valued landscape projects and additions for homeowners who are new to a property, those who are committing to staying in their current property and for those looking to sell. Here are some key statistics and findings: If you're new or staying and can afford it, adding an In-Ground Pool or Landscape Lighting are the two projects that will bring your clients the most joy, both coming in at a chart-topping Joy Score of 10. Ironically, they are two of the worst additions as far as gaining immediate value as both investments barely provide a 50% return on the investment.
Logan House, Georgia Arborist Association
Logan House, ISA
Term Begins in October
Bingshan Wong, RLA, Between Mountain and Water
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