Public Comments Open for Everglades National Park 05-16-24 | Legislation

Public Comments Open for Everglades National Park

NPS Releases Environmental Assessment
by Staff

The NPS is seeking public comment on various alternatives to addressing the failing seawall bulkheads and walkways that pose a threat for visitors and staff of Everglades National Park. (Photo Courtesy of NPS)

Failing seawall bulkheads at Flamingo Marino in Everglades National Park prompted the National Park Service (NPS) to complete an Environmental Assessment (EA), which has been released and is open for public review and comment now through June 9. The project, titled the Flamingo Marina Bulkheads Rehabilitation Project, will address areas where rust, cracks, and other signs of aging are compromising the safety of visitors and staff who use Flamingo Marina to access wilderness and backcountry areas.

According to the EA, the No Action alternative would involve only routine maintenance and emergency repairs. Action Alternative B would replace the bulkheads using the "hydraulic impact hammer" method and Action Alternative C would replace them using the "hard ground press-in method," the latter of which is preferred by the NPS.
The EA and description of funding sources as well as information for submitting a comment can be found at this website:
