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Nearly 300 Surveys Taken and More than 150 Written Comments by Staff
Sub: Who's the Alpha PLA? Wow . . . What a great response to last month's column and the subsequent survey. Within 48 hours we had nearly 300 surveys taken and more than 150 written comments. A quick breakdown shows an even split with PLAs. The nuance is that ASLA members are leaning toward the Reframing and non-ASLA members leaning towards the Alpha Designer, and the only clear demographic is the non-LA Architects and Engineers (of which, 80%+ like the Reframing stance). With responses still pouring in, we'll save the complete analysis for next month when we also review the upcoming Candidates for ASLA National President. In the meantime, LASN has been looking hard at licensure, and there are some good signs coming out of the Board of Trustees. They recently released policy statements endorsing a "Practice Act" as the most appropriate form of regulation and providing a definition of the "Practice of Landscape Architecture" that was technical, specific, and yet broad in scope. It makes me wonder if the Trustees are communicating with HQ and the rest of the ASLA members, but that's for another time. Here is a link to the statements:
Victor Dover, Founding Principal at Dover Kohl & Partners Town Planning
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CLARB Developed Licensure Standard
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