Pine Elementary School, Omaha, NE06-26-24 | News

Pine Elementary School, Omaha, NE

Submission by Big Muddy Workshop
by Staff

The School and Campus Issue of Landscape Architect and Specifier News saw many firms submit their projects for feature consideration. This project was not chosen for a Feature in the issue, but we at thought the project deserved to be showcased online . . .

Pine Elementary School revitalized a three-acre urban site of a former university near downtown Omaha. The site has been a place of education for over 100 years. One of the project's goals was to be a good steward of natural resources through the preservation of the existing collegiate gymnasium building and reuse of the building structure of the connected student center.

The compact site, with a 34-foot drop across the site, allowed the new, three-story facility to have exits onto grade from all levels. The spaces were organized to maximize both the efficiency of students moving throughout the building and the daylighting of classrooms and the interior spaces. The site design along 10th Street intentionally preserved the historic landscape of old tree growth and urban park for the community. The building's exterior design pulls elements from the surrounding neighborhood, which has 100+-year-old homes and structures as well as new modern buildings. The interior color palette plays off the landscape with elements of green, yellow, and blue throughout the building.

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