Pearl Street Park, Charlotte, NC04-02-24 | News

Pearl Street Park, Charlotte, NC

Submission by McAdams
by Staff

The Parks Issue of Landscape Architect and Specifier News saw many firms submit their projects for feature consideration. This project was not chosen for a Feature in the issue, but we at thought the project deserved to be showcased online . . .

Located in the Dilworth district just south of uptown Charlotte, Pearl Street Park is known as the first African American public park built in the City. Today, the park finds itself surrounded by redevelopment projects such as the Metropolitan, Midtown Terraces and East Morehead Apartments, all catalyzed by the Little Sugar Creek Greenway. As redevelopment continues to encroach on the historic park, the McAdams team was commissioned to provide master planning services to re-activate the park and respond to shifting land uses towards mixed-use, office, retail and upscale multi-family residences. The master plan also considered infrastructure improvements, such as portions of a new roadway extending Pearl Parkway.

Given the park's historic significance, the team worked to preserve the park's stories while accommodating new users and recreation trends. The park's redesign includes reconfigured multi-purpose fields, sports courts, urban plaza areas, a small comfort station / building, inclusive playground and walking paths. The team's multidisciplinary approach enabled innovative design solutions that considered numerous site complexities, such as two major powerline easements, utility easements, floodplain, Post Construction Stormwater Ordinance (PCSO) restrictions, new roadway right-of-way and several deed restrictions. One of the most innovative outcomes of the park improvements was the restoration of the existing onsite stream. The design of a nested floodplain alleviated channel instability and provides a water quality benefit for the urban runoff entering Little Sugar Creek. The newly restored stream provides function uplift to the riparian environment while providing opportunities for visitors to engage with nature.

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