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Creative Design Solutions to Achieve High Quality Aesthetic in High Traffic and Highly Regulated Environment by SWT Design, Inc.
For the past 18 years, residents of Rolla, Missouri have consistently identified transportation, particularly congestion relief, as a top priority. As such, the Move Rolla Transportation Development District (Move Rolla TDD) has undertaken several projects to improve transportation, with one of the most notable being the realignment of University Drive. Missouri University of Science and Technology's (Missouri S&T) 2020 Campus Master Plan also highlighted this realignment as essential for enhancing the arrival experience to the campus.The reorganization of University Drive, now known as Tim Bradley Way in honor of a Missouri S&T alumnus, addressed long-standing concerns by creating a new arrival district for both Phelps Health and Missouri S&T. The thoroughfare intersects with Missouri Highway 63 through a newly constructed roundabout. Furthermore, the subsequent multimodal transportation network is critical for improving mobility and safety, connecting major activity centers, maximizing economic development opportunities, and providing aesthetic enhancements that establish a sense of place for Rolla's residents and visitors.
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