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Submissions by INTEGRA+ by Staff
In partnership with AXIA Architects, INTEGRA+ collaborated with their educational design team and the Windsor Unified School District to develop a Kindergarten to second grade addition wing to an existing school campus at Mattie Washburn Elementary School. Faced with increased enrollment, the WUSD team identified Mattie Washburn as the highest priority to increase the number of classrooms for their Kindergarten to second grade level. AXIA and INTEGRA+ collaborated on site planning for the three building (18 classroom) single story wing. Acknowledging the increase in students and the need for indoor and outdoor educational facilities, we partnered with site staff to design elements for drop off facilities, waiting areas and outdoor classroom opportunities. The site was connected to the overall campus with an axis walkway that ends in the shade structures and stone seating areas.
LASN Dissected and Selected Most Important
Annapolis & Easton, Maryland
Submission by SpectraTurf
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