Live Webinar "Best Pruning Practices" December 1912-13-24 | Education

Live Webinar "Best Pruning Practices" December 19

Cliff Ruth, Green Industry
by Rebecca Radtke, LASN

Tune-into an informative, explanatory webinar while earning CEUs anytime, anywhere.

Head to to earn CEUs and to learn about pruning tools, their proper use, cuts, and best practices with former Faculty Emeritus from NC State University and consultant, Cliff Ruth.

Hosted on December 19th, attendees will earn LA/CES HSW, ISA, APLD, PGMS, and NALP CEUs. Can't attend live? Pre-register to receive the recording link at a discounted rate.


Webinar Description:
While this seminar may be considered for the novice or beginning landscaper/architect, it can be considered a refresher for anyone in the industry. We will look at basic tools and talk about the correct usage of those tools. We will also look at some basic landscape cuts for various plants.

Finally, we will discuss the proper time of year for pruning specific plants. While the seminar primarily targets individuals in the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere, other individuals may have to modify the content based on their locations.

Learning Objectives:
1. Correct pruning tools and their proper use.
2. Basic pruning cuts in the landscape.
3. Proper time of year to prune specific plants.

Cliff Ruth
Cliff Ruth is Field Faculty Emeritus from NC State University where he spent 25 years as an Area Extension Agent developing and delivering certification programs for Green Industry Professionals in the greater Asheville Metropolitan area of North Carolina. He holds a B.S. degree from Mars Hill University and a M.Ag Horticulture degree from NC State University. His expertise includes Integrated Pest Management; Rain Garden and Stormwater Management; and Plant Identification and Use.

Click here to Pre-Register:
