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Jacksonville, Florida by Fremont Latimer, PLA, Marquis Latimer + Halback, Inc
The Borowy Family Children's Critical Care Tower - which opened in April 2022 in Jacksonville, Florida - was designed to set the standard for pediatric and neonatal health care. The new, seven-story, state-of-the-art building serves as the entryway to Baptist Health's downtown campus and houses five floors of pediatric care, pediatric intensive care, cardiovascular intensive care, neuro-intensive care, a neonatal intensive care center, and a specialized burn and wound unit. The Overall Objective The focus was on crafting the patient experience - from their arrival at the auto court, to their stay in the tower, to their departure. The young patients are often facing life-threatening conditions and will be in the facility for weeks at a time. As designers, Marquis Latimer + Halback, Inc. (ML+H) were charged with helping create a healing environment for children. ML+H has a long-standing relationship with the Baptist Health System and was brought on to the Borowy Tower project in 2018 as the Landscape Architects. They worked on concept development through the completion of construction, all of which was part of the "Hope Starts Here" campaign - a $60 million project designed to deliver integrated critical care to the gravest ill and injured children in the surrounding areas and elsewhere. Creating the Foundation During the planning stages, the design and construction teams attended multiple design charrettes to craft an overall vision. Early on, a theme of "light and hope" was selected, which pervaded both the interior and exterior design. The visual effect of the building and its surrounding property is designed to be apparent from a distance as well as from up close. It is a high-tech, high-touch structure bursting with art and science, including five commissioned pieces headlined by "Aethereal," a reflecting light piece by artist Soo Sunny Park that hangs in the atrium.
Dearborn, Michigan
Submission by Rhodeside & Harwell, Inc. (RHI)
Submitted by Coleman & Associates
Submission by Sikora Wells Appel
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