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Fountains at Roseville
Fountains at Roseville is an upscale lifestyle center in Roseville, California, a community (pop. 112,343) in Placer County in the Sacramento metropolitan area.
This 320,000 sq. ft. retail destination built by Peter Bollinger Investment Co. is the first center of its kind in the Sacramento region, boasting 43 national retailers, local boutiques, restaurants and services centered on a newly created and vibrant ?EUR??,,????'?????<?Main Street.?EUR??,,????'?????<?
Gates + Associates, a San Francisco Bay-area (San Ramon) landscape architecture/urban design firm, worked closely with the owner and MCG Architecture to create a vital streetscape reminiscent of a long-established downtown that has matured over many years. The result is a festive place to come for the enjoyment of the space, a place where children can enjoy ice cream and splash in water on hot summer days, and where friends can chat and sip lattes by a fire pit on a cool autumn evening. The streetscape hosts outdoor concerts, art and craft fairs and other community events.
The broad median, sidewalks and oversized corners accommodate a rich array of pedestrian amenities, including seating areas with custom benches, animated water features and life-sized animal sculptures by a local artist. The street is anchored by two auto roundabouts, one signaling entry to the project and the other a central focal element at the heart of the site. Pedestrian paseos link parking areas with the central streetscape. Bumb-outs, lighted bollards and enhanced pedestrian crossings slow traffic and signal to vehicles that the street belongs to the pedestrians.
Roseville enjoys long, dry California summers with average temperatures well into the 90s. As its name suggests, Fountains at Roseville provides respite from this heat by featuring several large water features that act as focal elements within the streetscape. Fountain consultant, Nimbus Pond, used computer programs to choreograph dancing, illuminated displays of water set to music that can be enjoyed for hours. An interactive water play area with brightly colored synthetic safety surfacing provides water play for kids and is also enjoyed by adults. Smaller artful water fountains nestled in intimate corners reinforce the importance of water as an element in the landscape.
The rich hardscape palette provides visual order to the site. Colored and textured swaths of paving define outdoor rooms, signal traffic to slow for pedestrian crossings and create wayfinding cues through color and texture. Cross and radial bands of toned concrete pull color from the architecture to the ground plane. The range of paving includes colored and textured asphalt, integral color and stamped concrete, granite flagstone, concrete unit pavers, and decomposed granite.
To ensure immediate visual impact for this commercial site, large trees were specified. Twenty-foot Canary Island date palms highlight entries, corners and crossings and reference the hot, dry summer climate. Twenty-four-inch box flowering pears and robinias are closely spaced along street edges to maximize shade. Ceramic pots in singles and clusters enhance the visual mosaic of the site with a lush mix of annual color and dramatic perennials such as New Zealand Flax. Low water use lawn surfaces provide areas for picnicking and act as calming ports of green in an otherwise exciting and lively landscape. Metal decorative panels planted with vines act as green screens, softening and cooling rears of buildings and larger expanses of wall. Tall columnar trees and arched vine-covered trellises in paseos identify pathways to and from parking.
An eclectic mix of site furnishings and fixtures add to the variety of colors and textures on the streetscape. Rather than the homogeneous suite of matching site furnishings seen in many retail areas, the project features a diverse array of elements. Colorful pots, in a range of Mediterranean and Asian styles and in varying sizes, are scattered generously along the streetscape. Hanging baskets overflowing with flowers add color to pedestrian lighting. Whimsical benches in the shape of butterflies and leaves provide a dual function as both art and seating. Touchable, life-like custom bronze animal sculptures inhabit the street, providing interest and creating a visual theme.
This family-oriented space exemplifies many of the elements that make a street great. These include a strong connection between architecture and the outdoor realm, social spaces for gathering, traffic calming, exemplary design in furnishings and fixtures, lush planting, a rich variety of paving patterns and textures, fountains and public art. The streetscape is full of theater, which invites use and promotes vitality. Although the project is only two years old, by installing large trees and emphasizing a rich palette of colors, textures, and materials, the landscape evokes a sense of evolution over time.
About the Firm Established in 1977, Gates + Associates is a landscape architecture, urban design and land planning firm based in San Ramon, California. Gates offers high quality, creative design supported by a deep understanding of construction, cost and maintenance implications. With a strong portfolio of both public and private projects, Gates prides itself on producing plans that are beautiful, site-specific, sustainable and ?EUR??,,????'?????<?implementable?EUR??,,????'?????<? in the real world.
As part of its commitment to sustainability in the landscape, Gates promotes the use of advanced stormwater management techniques, recycled materials, site sensitive and native plant palettes, water-efficient irrigation practices and the use of nonpotable water sources.
Gates is proud to include an in-house commercial irrigation designer and certified irrigation auditor on staff, as well as LEED APs, LEED GAs, Bay-Friendly qualified landscape professionals, planners, urban designers, certified playground safety inspectors, signage and wayfinding specialists and graphic communications and outreach specialists.
Design Team Owner: Peter Bollinger Investment Co. Architect: MCG Architecture Landscape Architect: Gates + Associates Water Feature Consultant: Nimbus Pond Bronze Animal Sculptures: Dennis Jones Studio Butterfly and Leaf Benches: Jagged Edge Studios Entry Portal and Wayfinding: Arrow Sign Company
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