"Easy to Grow Perennials for a Spectacular Landscape" Webinar Review03-14-24 | Education

"Easy to Grow Perennials for a Spectacular Landscape" Webinar Review

Perennials for Successful Designs
by Staff

Explore the ins and outs of perennials for landscapes, their practical space, and maintenance practices.

Horticulturist and Midwest Sales for Walters Gardens, Josh Roggenbuck, presented a live and recorded webinar to professionals from across the country to learn about perennial trends across the country, maintenance practices, and best practices for healthy, beautiful flora.
Roggenbuck discussed traditional perennials, their problems, and modern solutions that were backed by studies located across the globe.
He went on to give examples of the 20 best perennials to implement into professionals' future designs. Roggenbuck gave practical design ideas and resources to back them.
Attendees were engaged with a variety of colorful plants and their place in the landscape. Live attendees asked a variety of questions that were educational and concise.

Join Josh OnDemand while earning CEUs for only $30 anywhere, anytime. Click here to sign up for the LA/CES HSW, APLD, PGMS, and NALP course.

Learning Objectives:
1. Varieties that are giant upgrades over old standbys.
2. How to maintain new selections vs their predecessors.
3. How to leverage upgrades in your designs and sell their value.

Webinar Description:
Whether designs have included perennials or not in the past, we'll visit about what can be achieved with them and give a great palette of dynamite can't-miss selections. We'll also visit about what we're doing to increase awareness of these plants among consumers and how professionals can connect the dots to that awareness.

Josh Roggenbuck:
Josh Roggenbuck has been in agriculture all of his life. Growing up on a sugar beet farm and working from young childhood, he found his passion for plants at a local Christmas tree farm and then a landscape nursery. He attended Michigan State University to obtain his degree in Horticulture before building a greenhouse and garden center with his parents and operating it for nine seasons. Walters Gardens is North America's leading producer of perennial liner plants. They supply plugs and bare root plants to nurseries, greenhouses, and mail order companies in every one of the United States, as well as to many provinces in Canada. Also a breeding company, Walters Gardens introduces around fifty new varieties each season across dozens of plant genera. For over a decade, Walter Gardens has been the home of Proven Winner Perennials and proudly supplies the genetics and liners for a lineup now over 200 varieties strong. Josh's job at Walters Gardens is to oversee sales in the Midwest. He also leads the company's initiatives with retail companies and landscape designers. Last and most important, Josh resides in Mid Michigan with his wife Sarah and daughters Stella and Hattie.
