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Perennials for Successful Designs by Staff
Horticulturist and Midwest Sales for Walters Gardens, Josh Roggenbuck, presented a live and recorded webinar to professionals from across the country to learn about perennial trends across the country, maintenance practices, and best practices for healthy, beautiful flora. Roggenbuck discussed traditional perennials, their problems, and modern solutions that were backed by studies located across the globe. He went on to give examples of the 20 best perennials to implement into professionals' future designs. Roggenbuck gave practical design ideas and resources to back them. Attendees were engaged with a variety of colorful plants and their place in the landscape. Live attendees asked a variety of questions that were educational and concise.
Logan House, Georgia Arborist Association
Logan House, ISA
Arlington, Virginia
Bingshan Wong, RLA, Between Mountain and Water
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