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The trail crosses lands owned by the City of Mount Shasta and the Mount Shasta Union School District by Tom Hesseldenz, Landscape Architect, Tom Hesseldenz & Associates
The Sisson Overlook Trail was undertaken by the Mount Shasta Rotary Club in Northern California at the start of a paved multi-use ADA-compliant trail network connecting residential areas, schools, the local library, parks, and a land trust preserve. At one-quarter-mile in length, the Trail overlooks a 7-acre wet meadow in the heart of town and provides spectacular views of the Mount Shasta Volcano, Black Butte, and the Trinity Divide. It also connects to boardwalks in Sisson Meadow that pass by a one-acre constructed freshwater marsh and provide linkages to the downtown area.
Senate Confirms Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Palo Alto, CA
Carl Smith, University of Arkansas
Charlotte, NC
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