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Year-In-Review by Timothy D. Bonaparte, RLA, CPESC, LEED AP
Notable Projects SUNY Morrisville - Drake Field To assist the College in renovating their athletic facility, Appel Osborne performed an evaluation of existing conditions to review underlying sub-base and drainage, asphalt, fencing, and associated building. Our design team worked closely with the College to develop a facility that boldly and confidently represented their athletics program and worked in conjunction with the rollout of their new logo to solidify an identity for their student-athletes to rally around. The project included the replacement of the synthetic turf field with a unique black turf which is the only one of its kind in the NCAA. The field is designed to accommodate football, lacrosse, and soccer. At the inaugural game on the new field in September 2023, with the stands full of students and community members, the College held a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate their new facility.
Fairfax, Virginia
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Magnum Stone Retaining Walls - Engineered for Strength, Designed for Beauty
Multiple Locations in VA, MD, PN
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