2024 CELA Fountain Scholar Winners and Finalists Announced06-10-24 | Education

2024 CELA Fountain Scholar Winners and Finalists Announced

21 Finalists and Winners Selected
by Staff

The CELA Fountain Scholar winners were recently announced for their exceptional work.

The 2024 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) recently announced their Foun-tain Scholar winners and finalists. The awardees were selected from a group of 21 graduate and undergraduate students that were nominated by their faculty.


The Fountain Scholar Program recognizes exceptional black, indigenous, and students of color in landscape architecture that display exceptional design skills for modern issues.

Six students including Ball State University's Mona Hamed, undergraduate winner, Alexis Banks, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Selorm Afeke, Cornell University's Jordi Prieto, Tex-as A&M's Sydney Puentes, and graduate winner, Jonathan Hampton.
