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SGA Group, Buffalo, MN by Staff
With over four decades as a professional, teacher, and advocate, Bob Gunderson's innate leadership skills have contributed to increased stature and image of the profession. He has freely and consistently shared his expertise and leadership in service to the national and state ASLA and its partner organizations, including prominent positions of responsibility where he has demonstrated innovative leadership and initiative. For five years, Bob served as a secretary, board member, committee member, and candidate for president-elect of CLARB, where he provided strategic and fiduciary oversight for the organization and helped position CLARB to operate better in the present and thrive in the coming decades. Bob's leadership at ASLA Minnesota included serving as president elect, president, and past president. At the University of Minnesota, in addition to his adjunct teaching responsibilities, he helped with student outreach activities and served on curriculum, accreditation, and search committees. In 2011, Bob cofounded SGA Group, to focus on parks and recreation and they have produced neighborhood and community park plans across Minnesota. And in an unconventional way, Bob has also served the profession through his extensive military career in the US Army. His skills as a landscape architect were recognized by his superiors, providing him with the opportunity to apply his training to the benefit of the army and its complex mission under extremely challenging wartime conditions. Bob's philosophy of leadership through action, excellence, and humility is a model to the community.
Stimson, Cambridge, MA
Urban Associates, Delray Beach, FL
University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI
Colwell Shelor Landscape Architecture, Phoenix, AZ
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