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Arterra Landscape Architects, San Francisco by Staff
Kate Stickley has been instrumental in creating a new ecological aesthetic for residential design in California, merging a keen understanding of site dynamics and natural factors with a highly developed sensitivity to people's relationship to the land. In 32 years of practice, she has provided insightful design leadership with an extensive list of built work, and developed longstanding relationships with clients, strategic partners, and collaborators. As cofounder and CEO of Arterra Landscape Architects, she is committed to melding the inherent characteristics of the land into the expression of daily patterns of life with a broad vision and innate understanding of composition, informed by contemporary art and sculpture. Kate's commitment to fostering sustainable ideals is manifested in her dedication to pro bono work as well as through her engagement with students and emerging professionals. Her notable projects include: Meadow in the Sky, Kentfield, CA, an early project that demonstrated that planting and sustainable design could be contemporary and sophisticated, embedding high performing systems into a peaceful, zen-like aesthetic; The George Mark Children's House, San Leandro, CA, a four-year pro bono master planning process of a five-acre pediatric palliative care center, that wove the campus together and created a natural place of healing, respite, and wonder; and Slot House, Los Altos Hills, CA, a modernist house located amid oak woodlands where she created a series of sculpted cascading spaces and rendered the landscape with deliberate and targeted colors and textures that complement the home's bold form
Stimson, Cambridge, MA
Urban Associates, Delray Beach, FL
University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI
Colwell Shelor Landscape Architecture, Phoenix, AZ
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