HPS®7 Structured is based on proven methyl Methyl methacrylate (MMA) technology. MMA is one of the most durable pavement marking material available anywhere today. HPS®7 Structured MMA is designed for application via a unique splatter pattern technique that creates peaks and valleys. The peaks can reach up to 200 mils or more in height. When applied over a new or bare pavement surface, the structured line creates a solid line effect when viewed by the driver.

Plural Components are a combination of monomers, polymers and pigments. They are formulated to create an unbreakable bond between themselves and the substrate.

Ennis-Flint - PPG Industries

HPS®7 MMA Structured

4161 Piedmont Parkway, Suite 370
Greensboro, NC  27410
Fax: 336-745-7900